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Communications in conferences, seminars and workshops

List of oral communications


Carracedo, L. I., McDonagh, E., Sanders, R., Moore, M., Mercier, H., Brown, P., Torres-Valdés, S., Mawji, E. W., Baringer, M., Smeed, D., and Rosón, G.: Atlantic meridional nutrient transport 2004-2018 timeseries: insights into inorganic nutrient pool reorganization by the AMOC, EGU General Assembly 14–19 Apr 2024, Vienna (Austria) & Online, EGU24-17617,

Brown, P., McDonagh, E., Sanders, R., Moat, B., Frajka-Williams, E., King, B., Carracedo, L., Watson, A., Schuster, U., Flohr, A., Johns, W., and Baringer, M.: Enhanced northward ocean transport of anthropogenic carbon through recovery of overturning circulation may be affecting North Atlantic CO2 uptake efficiency,EGU General Assembly 14–19 Apr 2024, Vienna (Austria) & Online, EGU24-15696,

Carracedo, L.I., López-Mozos, M., Le Bihan, C., Àlvarez, M.J., Fajar N. M., Asselot, R., Bates, N., Fast acidification conveyed by the Gulf Stream to the North Atlantic. AGU Oceans Sciences Meeting, 18-23 February, New Orleans (US) & Online.

Carracedo, L.I., and the OVIDE team, The OVIDE program: a 20-yr perspective. Invited speaker. OSNAP-Ocean Biogeochemistry workshop at AGU Oceans Sciences Meeting, 18-23 February, New Orleans (US) & Online.


Hörstmann, C.; Barrillon, S.; Grosso, Olivier; Carpaneto Bastos, C.; Le Bihan, C.; Aguiar-González, B.; Pérez-Hernández, M. D.; Carracedo, L.; Benavides, M. Fine-scale diazotroph connectomics across the Gulf Stream and its eddies. ASLO meeting, 4–9 June, Palma (Spain).   

Bajon, R., Carracedo, L., Mercier, H., Pérez, F., Velo, A., Asselot, R., Thierry, V., Intra-annual variability of carbon signature and transport in the North Atlantic Ocean,EGU General Assembly, 23–28 April, Vienna (Austria) & Online  , 

López Mozos, M., Pérez, F. F, Carracedo, L., Gebbie, G., and Velo, A., A new approach for estimating anthropogenic carbon relying on an observational back-calculation method,EGU General Assembly, 23–28 April, Vienna (Austria) & Online  


Asselot, R., Carracedo, L.I., Thierry, V., Mercier, H., Bajon, R., Pérez, F.F. Argo floats reveal the mechanisms controlling the deep transport of anthropogenic carbon in the North Atlantic. 7th Argo Science Workshop – 11-13 October, Brussels (Belgium)

Asselot, R., Bajon, R., López Mozos, M., Thierry, V., Mercier, H., Pérez, F., and Carracedo, L.: Mechanisms controlling the abyssal transport of anthropogenic carbon in the North Atlantic,2022 EGU General Assembly, 23–27 May 2022, Vienna (Austria) & Online,,

López Mozos, M., Velo, A., Fontela, M., de la Paz, M., Carracedo, L., Fajar, N., García-Ibáñez, M. I., Padín, X. A., Desbruyères, D., Mercier, H., Lherminier, P., and Pérez, F. F.: North Atlantic CO2 sink variability revealed by the Go-Ship A25-OVIDE section,, 2022.  
Lherminier, P., Mercier, H., Carracedo, L., Pérez, F. F., Velo, A., Desbruyères, D., Lopez-Mozos, M., and Fontela, M.: Variability of the AMOC and water mass properties at the GO-SHIP OVIDE section over 2002-2018,, 2022. 

Velo, A., Fontela, M., Paz, M.; Fajar, N.,García-Ibáñez, M.I., López-Mozos, M.; Padín, X. A., Carracedo, L.I., Lherminier, P., Pérez, F.F. Reactivation of the subpolar North Atlantic CO2 sink revealed by the GO-SHIP A25-OVIDE section. AGU Oceans Sciences Meeting, 28 February-4 March 2022, virtual event


CANAIMOC Workshop, 23-25 Feb 2021, virtual event
Carracedo, L.I., E. McDonagh, E. Mawji, S. Torres-Valdés, M. Baringer, R. Sanders, H. Mercier, V. Thierry. Nutrient variability across the Florida Straits.
Carracedo, L.I., E. McDonagh, H. Mercier, R. Sanders, C.M. Moore, P. Lherminier, P.J. Brown, E. Mawji, S. Torres-Valdés, D. Smeed, G. Rosón, M. Baringer, F.F. Pérez. MOC regulation of nutrient inventories in the North Atlantic.


XX Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina, SIQUIMAR 2020, 1st-3rd Jul, Barcelona (Spain)
Fontela, M. , Pérez. F.F. , Carracedo, L.I. , Padín, X.A., Velo, A., Lherminier, P., The Northeast Atlantic is running out of excess carbonate: the fragile future of cold-water coral communities.

Invited speaker @UEA/ENV, East Anglia (UK), 9 Nov. North Atlantic nutrient pool reorganization by the Meridional Overturning Circulation.


Invited speaker @Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, NORCE, Bergen (Norway), 29 Nov. Meridional Overturning Circulation and the North Atlantic nutrient pools: a transient response to circulation changes.

ICOS Symposium on the North Atlantic Carbon Cycle, 19 Mar, Southampton (UK). Carracedo, L. I.; McDonagh, E.; Sanders, R.; Moore, C.M.; Brown, P.; Torres-Valdés, S.; Baringer, M.; Smeed D.; Rosón G. Overturning circulation regulates the North Atlantic nutrient pool and biological pump efficiency.

RAPID / OSNAP / ABC Project International Review, 8-10 Jan, London (UK). Carracedo, L.I., McDonagh, E., Sanders, R., Moore, M., Brown, P. Nutrient transport across the RAPID section and implications for biological carbon uptake.


2018 International AMOC Science Meeting US CLIVAR, 24-27 July, Coconut Grove (Florida). Carracedo, L.I., McDonagh, E., Brown, P., Sanders, R., Mercier, H., Torres-Valdés, S., Moore, M., Baringer, M., Rosón, G., Pérez, F.F. AMOC regulation of the inorganic nutrient content in the North Atlantic.

AGU 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February, Oregon (US). Carracedo, L.I.; McDonagh, E.; Mercier, H.; Brown, P.; Rosón, G.; Sanders, R.; Moore, M.; Torres-Valdés, S.; Pérez, F.F.; Baringer, M. On the variability of the basin-scale nutrient transports and budgets in the North Atlantic.


Conference LEFE-IMAGO: Observing and understanding the AMOC, 3-5 May, Brest (France). Carracedo, L.I.; McDonagh, E.; Brown, P. AMOC-driven nutrient flux variability across the RAPID-26N section.


RAGNARoCC/ABC Project Meeting, 5-6 Oct, Exeter (UK). Carracedo, L.I.; McDonagh, E.; Brown, P.; Torres-Valdés, S.; Sanders, R.; Moore, M.; Baringer, M.; Smeed, D.; Rosón G. Trends and temporal variability on nutrients fluxes across 26.5ºN-RAPID section.


ABC Fluxes Project Meeting, 14 Oct, NOC, Southampton (UK). Carracedo, L.I.; McDonagh, E.; Brown, P. Nutrient Fluxes in the North Atlantic: Preliminary results.


II CATARINA Workshop, 19-21 Dec, ECIMAT, Vigo (Spain). Carracedo, L.I.; García, M.; Mercier, H.; Pardo, P.C.; Lherminier, P.; Pérez, FF; Gilcoto, M. Water masses distribution and transport: first approximation in methodology and preliminary results.


CAIBEX Workshop, 29-30 Nov, IIM-CSIC, Vigo (Spain). Carracedo, L.I.; Gilcoto, M.; Pérez FF; Mercier, H.; Pardo, P.C.; Kermabon, C.; Lherminier, P. CAIBOX 2009, Box Inverse Model in CAIBOX region.

I Spanish Meeting in Physical Oceanography, 13-15 Oct, Barcelona (Spain). Carracedo, L.I.; Gilcoto, M.; Pérez, F.F.; Mercier, H.; Pardo, PC.; Kermabon, C.; Lherminier, P. Water mass transport estimates in the CAIBEX region (NE Atlantic) with inverse model.

List of posters


EGU 2020: Sharing Geoscience Online, 4-8 May. Carracedo, L. I.; McDonagh, E.; Sanders, R.; Mawji, E.; Torres-Valdés, S.; Baringer, M.; Mercier, H.; Thierry, V. Unravelling the North Atlantic ‘nutrient stream’ variability.


EGU General Assembly, 7-12 Apr, Vienna (Austria). Rayner, D.; Moat, B.; Frajka-Williams, E.; Smeed, D.; Brown, P.; Carracedo, L.; McDonagh, E.; Wright, H., Mack, S.; Foden, P.; Walk, J.; Balfour, C. Recent Developments of the RAPID 26N Array.


Challenger Society 2016 Conference- Oc0eans and Climate, 5-8 Sep, Liverpool (UK).   Carracedo, L.I., McDonagh, E., Brown, P., Torres-Valdés, S., Sanders, R., Moore, M., Baringer, M., Smeed, D., Rosón G. Impact of the variability of the gyre and meridional overturning circulation on the nutrient transports: extreme event of 2010.


EGU General Assembly, 27 Apr-2 May, Vienna (Austria). García-Ibáñez, M.I., Pardo, P.C., Carracedo, L.I., Mercier H., Lherminier, P., Ríos, A.F., Pérez F.F. The water mass structure and transports in the Atlantic Subpolar Gyre.  


EGU General Assembly, 22-27 Apr, Vienna (Austria). Carracedo L.I., García M., Mercier H., Conde, P., Lherminier P., Pérez F.F., Gilcoto M. Interannual variability of water masses transports across A25-OVIDE section (subpolar Atlantic gyre). 


I Spanish Meeting in Physical Oceanography, 13-15 Oct, Barcelona (Spain). Villacieros‐Robineau N., Herrera J.L., Castro C.G., Piedracoba, S., Redondo, W., Graña, R., Alonso‐Pérez, F., Barreiro, B., Carracedo, L.I., Gilcoto M., Rosón G. Seasonal characterization of the velocity field of the bottom nepheloid layer in the Ria de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula). 

XV- Iberian Seminar on Marine Chemistry, 22-24 Feb, Vigo (Spain). Carracedo L.I., Pardo, P.C., De la Granda, F., Villacieros-Robineau, N., Gilcoto, M. and Pérez, F.F. Water masses distributions and transports in CAIBOX-20ºW section. 

XV- Iberian Seminar on Marine Chemistry, 22-24 Feb, Vigo (Spain).  Fajar N.M., Carracedo L.I., Vázquez-Rodríguez M, Ríos A.F., Pérez, F.F. Temporal evolution of carbonic system along 20ºW Iberian region.  


II International Symposium of Marine Science, 27-30 Apr, Vigo (Spain). Carracedo L.I., Herrera J., Varela R., Pérez V., Allen-Perkins S., Montero P., Ayensa G., Rosón G., Delgado J. Correlation between upwelling index, sea level and thermohaline variables in Rande Strait, Ría of Vigo 

2009 EGU General Assembly, 19-24 Apr, Vienna (Austria).  J. Soto, F. Criado Aldeanueva, J. García Lafuente, A. Sánchez Román, L. Carracedo. Interannual variability of the air-sea heat exchange in the western Mediterranean in relation to the deep-water formation processes.  

2009 EGU General Assembly, 19-24 Apr, Vienna (Austria).  A. Sánchez-Román, J. García-Lafuente, J. Delgado, J. Soto, L. Carracedo. Transport estimates at the western section of the Strait of Gibraltar. 

2009 EGU General Assembly, 19-24 Apr, Vienna (Austria).  F. Criado-Aldeanueva, J. Del Rio-Vera, J. Soto-Navarro, J. García-Lafuente, A. Sánchez-Román, J.C. Sánchez-Garrido, L. Carracedo, J. Delgado and J.M. Vargas. A new insight on the decreasing sea level trend over the Ionian basin in the last decades.