

Lidia Carracedo
Chargée de Recherche, IFREMER, LOPS (France)

My research focuses on in situ observations and data analysis of physical and carbon system variables, seeking to better understand the linkages between ocean dynamics and the biogeochemical (oxygen, carbon and nutrient) cycles. My overarching goal is to extend our knowledge of the ocean's role in climate and gain a better representation of the biogeochemical processes at different time-scales, which can contribute, ultimately, to improve model parametrizations and future climate predictions. I am particularly interested in the spatio-temporal variability (seasonal to multidecadal & fine to large scales) of the ocean state and its role as a carbon pump, as well as in the underlying processes driving such variability. I contribute to the ocean observing system by feeding new and existing hydrographic databases (GO-SHIP, mooring-based, Argo) with novel observations. Even though my current focus is the Atlantic Ocean, I am interested in the interplay between the different water masses at a global scale. 

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Remy Asselot
Postdoc EuroSea,  IFREMER, LOPS (France)
Co-supervised with Virginie Thierry
Nov 2021 - May 2023

Postdoc position on the 'Physical mechanisms involved in deep CO₂ storage variability in the North-Atlantic'.

As part of the EuroSea project, Remy's research focuses on:

• the physical mechanisms involved in the uptake, storage and export of (anthropogenic) carbon in the subpolar gyre of the North-Atlantic Ocean and their interannual to decadal variability,
• and how Argo data can be used to provide potential indicators of anthropogenic carbon storage and deep export routes.

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PhD students

Marta López Mozos
Co-supervised with Antón Velo
Aug 2021 - Jul 2025

Thesis entitled: 'Evolution of natural and anthropogenic carbon transports in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre'

Marta's thesis focuses on:

• new developments to implement on the back-calculation methods to estimate anthropogenic carbon,
• the evolution of the anthropogenic carbon storage rates in the subpolar gyre, 
• the natural and anthropogenic carbon (cruise-based) transports across the OVIDE section for the most recent occupations. 

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Raphaël Bajon
Co-supervised with Herlé Mercier and  Fiz Pérez
Nov 2021 - Nov 2024

Thesis entitled: 'Overturning Circulation & Carbon storagE in the Atlantic North: Seasonal Signatures'

Raphaël's thesis focuses on:

• the seasonal variability of the property [oxygen, nutrients, carbon (natural and anthropogenic)] transports across the OVIDE section,
• the main mechanisms affecting the intra-annual carbon cycle, and its (a)simetry, in the North Atlantic, 
• the implications of the (un)coupled seasonal patterns at different latitudes affecting the tracer convergence/divergence in the North Atlantic basin. 

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Visiting students

Coralie Moutte
Co-supervised with Herlé Mercier
Jul - Aug 2021

Stay entitled: 'Circulation across the OVIDE section: BOCATS2 2021 cruise vs mean-state'

Co-supervised with Herlé Mercier
Apr - Sep 2022

Stay entitled: 'Assessing the biogeochemical imprint of the cascading of dense shelf waters on the Deep Western Boundary Current'